Step 1

Tuesday, March 9, 2021, was a horrible day. No wait, it was a great day. Honestly, I’m not really sure what it was.

All I know is I woke up madder than a pullet tapping on a 7-foot slinky egg stealer, while a significant contingent of my family was doubting whether I was going to at all.

Here was the background: the stupid COVID virus, that, as of a year ago, I doubted really even existed, decided to force the hands of the trauma teams treating me at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. My first admission into a hospital, something that had never happened in more than four and a half decades, was a doozy. And not unlike a quality basketball game, the success and/or failure of the whole darn thing hinged on just a few key points, one of the reasons I’m not a big basketball fan. I would prefer to be able stack an advantage at some point.

At any rate, I did wake up, hungry as all get-out, not unhappy of course to live to fight another day. But I did come to another revelation in and amongst all this. I have become way too tethered to devices and their deployment. And I honestly cannot say for certain, but I wonder if my narcissistic need to be seen—hey, look how many status likes I got—might have played a bit into the drama.

Regardless, I am doing a bit of manual separation from social media, which I find obviously to be one of the most oxymoronic phrases ever coined...there is nothing social about it, and media might imply that it offers some pearl of wisdom.

I’m better for it. I had some spiritual reflections, as well as some of the intellectual variety. My new mantra is aligned with my professional: closer to perfection tomorrow. Continuous improvement. However you wanna look at it, I personally want to be closer to my base reference—mine is Jesus Christ; my page, my choice—tomorrow than I started today.

I don’t know why He decided to keep me here on the terrestrial plane. All I know is He did, and there is a lesson there. The difficulty is, He wants me to figure it out.

Wish me luck. It really is a great night to be alive.

God bless you all!  Your comments are greatly appreciated!!!


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