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Twelve Months

 “LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.”  — Psalm 30:2 I missed the exact moment.  I guess I'm kind of glad I did.  I think it might have been a bit overwhelming, and considering I was at work, I reckon had I started blubbering when the weight of it hit me, someone might have reported me for suspicion of drug use. So it has been exactly a year (and a few hours) since the team of magic workers at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital went outside of their tight protocols and pulled me off the ventilator I had been on for a week.  Successfully, I might add. Actually, I probably didn't need to add that.  This would have been one amazing blog had it not been successful.  Tales from the dark side. Hazy as it was, I have relived—Lord, I love that word—the hours and days following that moment a thousand times over the past year.  I am grateful.  And mad.  Even a little ashamed. The grateful part is easy, obvious.  The reality ...

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